4/10/2006 to 12/5/2010: Top 10 of 596 Operating Systems

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Product Accesses % Bytes % Visits %
1 Windows XP 287,297 52.39 6,275,210,172 41.78 14,336 33.36
2 Windows NT 59,517 10.85 2,528,676,191 16.84 4,154 9.67
3 http://www.google.com/bot.html 50,581 9.22 754,809,213 5.03 7,415 17.26
4 Macintosh 29,612 5.40 1,369,878,447 9.12 2,023 4.71
5 http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm 26,058 4.75 555,897,404 3.70 3,702 8.62
6 http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp 17,347 3.16 1,567,286,638 10.44 4,371 10.17
7 Windows 98 12,894 2.35 144,930,380 0.96 221 0.52
8 Windows 2000 12,345 2.25 173,341,115 1.15 528 1.23
9 - 7,919 1.44 158,948,981 1.06 1,017 2.37
10 compatible; 7,016 1.28 71,505,877 0.48 1,277 2.97