Racine Astronomical Society
Support the Racine Astronomical Society
The Racine Astronomical Society has been performing public astronomy outreach since 1956. Since 1963 this outreach has been performed at the Modine-Benstead Observatory. This public outreach is always FREE as we never charge an admission charge or for parking.
As with all aging buildings we need to do some maintenance. Our maintenance building needs a new roof which has an estimated cost of $9000.00. There are also many projects we would like to complete such as painting the main dome.
Here are some easy ways you can support the Racine Astronomical Society / Modine-Benstead Observatory.
Support the Racine Astronomical Society by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your elgible purchases to the Racine Astronomical Society. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. Click on the following link to get started.

You can also make a donation through Paypal. Click on the following link to make a donation.
Astronomy Links
Here are some astronomy links that we find useful.
astronomyLINKS™ - A directory of astonomy links categorized by subject.
Atmospheric Optics - A host of visual spectacles - rainbows, halos, glories, coronas and many more.
Heavens-Above! - all the information you need to observe satellites such as the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle.
Human Space Flight (HSF) - Realtime Data - NASA real-time data for the International Space Station and Space Shuttle flights.
Lunar and Planetary Science at the NSSDC - Planetary fact sheets and mission information.
Skymaps.com - Downloadable monthly sky maps
Sky&Telscope - Sky and Telescope Magazine - Site has some very useful interactive observing tools.
SPACE.com -- Something Amazing Every Day
SpaceWeather.com - News and information about the Sun-Earth environment
StarDate Online - Stargazing tips, almanac, constellation guide and more.
Stars and Constellations - Guide to constellations, stars and Messier Objects.
Sun, Planet, and Satellite Data - Introduction to the Solar System.
The Nine Planets - Guide to the Solar System.
Welcome to the Planets - Collection of many of the best images from NASA's planetary exploration program.
Wisconsin Astronomy - Wisconsin astronomical events and organizations.
Your Sky - Interactive planetarium program.