Racine Astronomical Society
Modine-Benstead Observatory
The Modine Benstead Observatory includes two domed observatories as part of the facility. The main building includes the 16-inch telescope, an observation deck, library and meeting room. The smaller domed building houses our 14-inch telescope.

The observatory's main instrument is a custom designed 16-inch Newtonian-Cassegrain reflecting telescope. The mirror was figured at Kitt Peak Observatory. The telescope was designed and built by club members and local industries. The telescope is mounted on a custom German equatorial mount. Attached to the main telescope is a 6-inch refractor which is used as a guide scope. A 5-inch astrograph refractor can also be attached to the telescope.

16 Inch Cassegrain Telescope
The smaller domed building houses a 14-inch Celestron Schmitt Cassegrain reflecting telescope. The telescope is mounted on a Lomansdy German equatorial mount.

14 Inch Schmitt Cassegrain Telescope

Take a virtual tour of the Main Dome
For more virtual tours visit the Photos page
We welcome you to come out to our public nights and view the skies through our telescopes. We are located at the intersection of Hwy. A and 63rd Drive in Yorkville.